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l GetSweet signed sales contract with GVC101 in June, 2005.
GSI invest in our team members to produce results that surpass customer’s expectation.

With the narrow margins in electronic industry, maximizing your outsourcing capability will drive your business forward and succeed with efficiency. GSI is set-up to meet your expectations. Entrust us your outsourcing operations to find the best solutions for your business. Just focus on your sales and we will take care of the rest.
The goal of GSI is to minimize cost and risk for customers. This idea drives GSI to consolidate reliable and quality PCB and LCD suppliers. Bargain with suppliers through powerful knowledge and purchasing skills, monitor the status of order by providing actual WIP online. And consolidate shipments to reduce shipping cost.
GSI invest in our team members to produce results that surpass customer’s expectation.
The goal of GSI is to minimize cost and risk for customers. This idea drives GSI to consolidate reliable and quality PCB and LCD suppliers. Bargain with suppliers through powerful knowledge and purchasing skills, monitor the status of order by providing actual WIP online. And consolidate shipments to reduce shipping cost.
GSI invest in our team members to produce results that surpass customer’s expectation.